Fear of God is the Beginning of Wisdom

Scripture: Luke 12: 4-5

“I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.

Scripture Commentary:

We go through life in fear of not pleasing the “right people,” not having certain possessions, and making/having a certain amount of money. If this is your path, are you lost?

Think about this: God has given you everything that you need.

What have you given to God? When life has left your body, you can’t say, “Wait, Lord. Forgive me; give me another chance.”

Jesus told His disciples to watch out for the hypocrites who try to appear good but their hearts are far from God. If you please Our Lord Jesus Christ, you will please people.

Fear of opposition and ridicule can weaken your witnessing for Christ.

We often cling to peace and comfort, even at the cost of our walk with God. Jesus reminds us that we should fear God who controls eternal, not merely temporal, consequences.

Our true value is God’s estimate of our worth, not that of our peers.

People evaluate and categorize you according to how you perform, what you achieve, or how you look. Jesus takes you for your love of Him, not them.

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Luke Chapter 12

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