Everyone Must Give an Account to God

Scripture: Romans 14: 10-12

10 You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister[a]? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. 11 It is written: “‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’”[b] 12 So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.

Scripture Commentary:

Each of us will give an account of ourselves to God. Do not let the world dictate how you should live. Your faith in Christ is stronger than the ways of this world. You will come into contact with sinners but do not fall into their pattern of living.

You are to avoid certain activities, people and places to protect your spiritual life.

It is important to take a self-inventory to find out your strengths and weaknesses. No one is perfect and Satan knows this. He will seek out your weakness to use for his mission.

The questions you must ask yourself are these:

  • Is what I’m doing a sin?
  • Can I influence others for good and not be influenced by them?

Do not be defiled by the world; rather go and serve God. Do not fear or avoid your differences. Accept them, handle them, and love one another.

Don’t expect everyone to agree with you on every subject. You are not perfect and you don’t know everything; you are only human.

Ask God for help.

Listen to Him; He will direct your paths. Put your faith in Him. As verse 12 says, “So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.”

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

Romans 14

Read Other Commentary From the Book of Romans:

We Are Branches Grafted Onto The Tree of Life

Worship the Creator, The One True God

How Hard Is It To Forgive?

Scripture: Genesis 50: 15-17

 But now that their father was dead, Joseph’s brothers were frightened. “Now Joseph will pay us back for all the evil we did to him,” they said. 16-17 So they sent him this message: “Before he died, your father instructed us to tell you to forgive us for the great evil we did to you. We servants of the God of your father beg you to forgive us.” When Joseph read the message, he broke down and cried.

Scripture Commentary:

How hard is it to forgive? In 1877, American abolitionist (and escaped slave) Frederick Douglass met his former master, Thomas Auld. Douglass had written a strong condemnation of Auld’s cruel treatment of his slaves. But when the two met near the end of Auld’s life, Douglass forgave his former master. They cried, were reconciled, and parted as friends, according to Douglass’ autobiography. Douglass had accepted God, and in doing so, God showed him how to forgive, let go of what was evil, and embrace the love God had given each of us.

With Joseph, God took his brothers’ evil deed and turned it for good. If Joseph was not where God had placed him, the outcome would have been different. Ask God for help when you are in places you don’t want to be. When someone wrongs you, forgive them and pray for them.

“Forgive them: for they know not what they do.”

In Luke 23:34 Jesus asks the Father, “Forgive them: for they know not what they do.” Joseph not only forgave his brothers but also reassured them, offering to care for them and their families.

Joseph demonstrates how God graciously accepts us.

Even when we have ignored or even rejected God, He graciously forgives us.

In this last chapter of Genesis, Joseph’s life is coming to an end. He had no doubt that God would keep His promise, and one day bring the Israelites back to their homeland. This was a lifetime of faith Joseph had in God.

What is your faith in God? Is it strong enough to take you to the end of your journey?

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

Genesis 50

Luke 23

Read Other Commentary from the Book of Genesis

What Punctuation Mark Describes Your Life?

How Will You Live Your Life?

Turn From Your Sinful Ways

Scripture: 2 Peter 2: 21-22

It would be better if he had never known about Christ at all than to learn of him and then afterwards turn his back on the holy commandments that were given to him. 22 There is an old saying that “A dog comes back to what he has vomited, and a pig is washed only to come back and wallow in the mud again.” That is the way it is with those who turn again to their sin.

Scripture Commentary:

If you don’t know something then you can’t be held accountable. But when you have the information, then you are accountable for it. Peter is speaking about someone who has learned about Christ and how to be saved, has been positively influenced by Christians, but then rejects the truth and turns again to their sinful ways. This person is worse off than before because s/he has rejected Christ.

That person has been given a chance for salvation but refused to accept God’s grace and mercy. S/he returned to Satan’s hell hole. These people become slaves to a world of lust, greed and sinful desires and become lost.

Don’t take Satan and his supernatural powers of evil lightly. Don’t become arrogant about defeating him. This can only be done with Jesus Christ with you and only if you accept Christ as your Savior.

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

2 Peter 2

Read Other Commentary from the Book of 2 Peter:

Rejoice! His Coming Is Promised

One Day Is as a Thousand Years

Answer Me!

Sermon – Part Two: What Have I Done Wrong? Answer Me!

Scripture: Micah 6: 1-3

Listen to what the Lord is saying to his people: “Stand up and state your case against me. Let the mountains and hills be called to witness your complaint.  “And now, O mountains, listen to the Lord’s complaint! For he has a case against his people Israel! He will prosecute them to the full. O my people, what have I done that makes you turn away from me? Tell me why your patience is exhausted! Answer me!

How do we answer when God asks, “What have I done to you that you act this way?”

God has given His instructions, which is The Bible.  The Bible is His Word on how to treat people, how to live and how to worship.  We have been like a revolving door to God.  In 1 Kings 14: 23, “sacred stones” were placed next to pagan altars.  They were supposed to represent deity.

Rehoboam was a powerful king but he was not satisfied.  God allowed Shishak of Egypt to invade Judah and Israel.  This invasion did not destroy Judah and Israel but it weakened it to a point that it wasn’t as strong as it had been.  The people became spiritually corrupt and immoral.  They lost everything.  When God is gone from our lives, everything else becomes useless, no matter how valuable we think it is.

God used His prophets to deliver His messages to His people throughout the Old Testament.

Did they listen?  Do we listen? 

What was prophesized over 3,000 years ago is still being told to us today.

God is saying both then and now, “I am your Father, your Creator, your One True God who loves you.  Why do you disobey Me and place other gods before Me?  Why do you hurt me?    If you are not treating people fairly, showing mercy and humility, how can you say you love Me when you disobey my teaching?”

God, from His high desk in the courtroom looks out at us and says, “What do you have to say?”

There is silence. Heads are hung low and mouths are motionless.  Eyes are downcast, and hearts and souls are not responding. 

Search yourself. 

There is nothing you can say.  The people of the Old Testament had judges, kings and prophets. We, on the other hand, have The Word, The Bible, and Jesus Christ.  As Psalm 139: 23-24 says, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”   We have no excuse.

Today God asks our streets, highways and alleys to testify about our lives.  God tells these entities to testify.  After their testimony Gods asks if there is a rebuttal?

Again, silence, heads hanging low, mouths motionless.

God looks out at all of the generations of people standing before Him in silence.

Then a voice is heard.  “Father, have mercy, for they know not what they do.”

We turn to see who speaks these words.  Our eyes see this Bright Light in Jesus Christ, our Advocate.  He is pleading on our behalf.  He makes recommendations for clemency. 

Jesus Christ was beaten, nailed to the cross, pierced on His side and died for our sins.  Now He stands before God, His Father, asking God to pardon us for our sins, and to forgive and excuse us of our errors.

This Jesus says to His Father  in Luke 23: 34, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”  His love for us never waivered.

What about our love for God, the Father, His Only Begotten Son, and the Holy Spirit?  Has our love waivered?

God gives you a chance – this day and at this time – to follow Him. 

He loves and forgives you.  The court is still in session.  Your judgment has not yet been handed down.  All have sinned and have come short of His love.  None except Jesus meets the requirement.

God will forgive and forget.  You need only repent and ask for forgiveness.

Where is your place in line and what will your testimony be?  What is your answer when God asks, “What have you done in My Name?”

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

Micah 6

1 Kings 14

Psalm 139

Luke 23

Read the first part of the sermon, What Have I Done to Turn You Away?