Scripture: 2 Peter 2: 20-21
And when a person has escaped from the wicked ways of the world by learning about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and then gets tangled up with sin and becomes its slave again, he is worse off than he was before. It would be better if he had never known about Christ at all than to learn of him and then afterwards turn his back on the holy commandments that were given to him.
Scripture Commentary: God’s holy commandments are a blueprint for how to live.
As a child you learned right and wrong. If you were told not to touch something because it would hurt you but you touched it anyway, you were hurt. God’s holy commandments tell us what to do in our lives.
In this passage, Peter, through God, is telling about Christ and how to be saved, and how to help others. To say you are a follower of Christ and not live to help others is to reject Him.
If you know God but reject Him, you are like a person sinking.
If this is you, you are worse off than before because you knew the way but you rejected it. You are like a person sinking who is thrown a rope, but you cast it aside to go your own way.
If you did not know God at all, that is one thing. But you know God. Don’t turn from Him. God judges sin and the unrepentant sinner cannot escape.
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