Answer Me!

Sermon – Part Two: What Have I Done Wrong? Answer Me!

Scripture: Micah 6: 1-3

Listen to what the Lord is saying to his people: “Stand up and state your case against me. Let the mountains and hills be called to witness your complaint.  “And now, O mountains, listen to the Lord’s complaint! For he has a case against his people Israel! He will prosecute them to the full. O my people, what have I done that makes you turn away from me? Tell me why your patience is exhausted! Answer me!

How do we answer when God asks, “What have I done to you that you act this way?”

God has given His instructions, which is The Bible.  The Bible is His Word on how to treat people, how to live and how to worship.  We have been like a revolving door to God.  In 1 Kings 14: 23, “sacred stones” were placed next to pagan altars.  They were supposed to represent deity.

Rehoboam was a powerful king but he was not satisfied.  God allowed Shishak of Egypt to invade Judah and Israel.  This invasion did not destroy Judah and Israel but it weakened it to a point that it wasn’t as strong as it had been.  The people became spiritually corrupt and immoral.  They lost everything.  When God is gone from our lives, everything else becomes useless, no matter how valuable we think it is.

God used His prophets to deliver His messages to His people throughout the Old Testament.

Did they listen?  Do we listen? 

What was prophesized over 3,000 years ago is still being told to us today.

God is saying both then and now, “I am your Father, your Creator, your One True God who loves you.  Why do you disobey Me and place other gods before Me?  Why do you hurt me?    If you are not treating people fairly, showing mercy and humility, how can you say you love Me when you disobey my teaching?”

God, from His high desk in the courtroom looks out at us and says, “What do you have to say?”

There is silence. Heads are hung low and mouths are motionless.  Eyes are downcast, and hearts and souls are not responding. 

Search yourself. 

There is nothing you can say.  The people of the Old Testament had judges, kings and prophets. We, on the other hand, have The Word, The Bible, and Jesus Christ.  As Psalm 139: 23-24 says, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”   We have no excuse.

Today God asks our streets, highways and alleys to testify about our lives.  God tells these entities to testify.  After their testimony Gods asks if there is a rebuttal?

Again, silence, heads hanging low, mouths motionless.

God looks out at all of the generations of people standing before Him in silence.

Then a voice is heard.  “Father, have mercy, for they know not what they do.”

We turn to see who speaks these words.  Our eyes see this Bright Light in Jesus Christ, our Advocate.  He is pleading on our behalf.  He makes recommendations for clemency. 

Jesus Christ was beaten, nailed to the cross, pierced on His side and died for our sins.  Now He stands before God, His Father, asking God to pardon us for our sins, and to forgive and excuse us of our errors.

This Jesus says to His Father  in Luke 23: 34, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”  His love for us never waivered.

What about our love for God, the Father, His Only Begotten Son, and the Holy Spirit?  Has our love waivered?

God gives you a chance – this day and at this time – to follow Him. 

He loves and forgives you.  The court is still in session.  Your judgment has not yet been handed down.  All have sinned and have come short of His love.  None except Jesus meets the requirement.

God will forgive and forget.  You need only repent and ask for forgiveness.

Where is your place in line and what will your testimony be?  What is your answer when God asks, “What have you done in My Name?”

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

Micah 6

1 Kings 14

Psalm 139

Luke 23

Read the first part of the sermon, What Have I Done to Turn You Away?

What Have I Done To Turn You Away?

Sermon – Part One: What Have I Done Wrong?

Scripture: Micah 6: 1-3

Listen to what the Lord is saying to his people: “Stand up and state your case against me. Let the mountains and hills be called to witness your complaint.  “And now, O mountains, listen to the Lord’s complaint! For he has a case against his people Israel! He will prosecute them to the full. O my people, what have I done that makes you turn away from me? Tell me why your patience is exhausted! Answer me!

Why do we turn from God?

God is holding court in Micah 6: 1-16.  He is both judge and prosecutor.  In verse 1 God tells the people to stand and “state your case.”  The people have been living in sin by building altars to pagan gods.  These altars were built on high mountains for sacrifices to false gods. 

We put up barriers in our dealings with one another and we put up altars to false gods with our lifestyles.  We place what we think is important before God, like money, cars, homes and social standing, just to name a few.

The mountains are the witnesses in Micah’s time, and God calls them to testify to how the people built these altars to false gods on the mountains He made.  In our time, the mountains are our streets and highways.

God called to the mountains in Micah’s time to confirm the people’s guilt.  God asks our streets and highways to confirm our guilt today.  The streets testify to the killing of babies, children, men and women when all they did was be in the way of a bullet, knife, or other weapon wielded by another.  People are being held up for money, jewelry, or just because of the color of their skin, or the way they walk, talk, or dress.

The people of Micah’s time could not answer the charges brought against them.  How can we answer God today?

God has not done anything wrong. 

God, both then and now, has been exceedingly patient.  He lovingly guides us and gives us every opportunity to return to Him.  We are in the courtroom today, and God asks, “What have I done to you that you act this way?”

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

Micah 6

Read Other Commentary From the Book of Micah:

Plead Your Case Before the Mountains

Return next week to read part two of the sermon, What Have I Done Wrong?

Don’t Be Deceived By False Teachers

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 11: 3-5

But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough. I do not think I am in the least inferior to those “super-apostles.”

Scripture Commentary:

Paul tells the Corinthians that smooth talking messengers deceived them with their smooth talking and false message. The deceivers masquerade as angels from God.

Don’t be tricked by outward appearances.

Today Satan’s disciples are in disguise using the Word to entrap you by telling you what your flesh wants to hear and follow. Satan and his followers deceive you by appearing to be attractive, good and moral.

The picture they present is not the truth nor is it an accurate depiction of who they represent. Do they teach that Jesus Christ is God’s Only Begotten Son and that He died on the cross and rose on the third day? Do they teach that Jesus came into this world to save sinners?

If not, they are false teachers and not disciples of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Paul presented his credentials to the Corinthians to keep them from slipping into Satan’s hands. Who are you listening to?

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

2 Corinthians 11

Read Other Commentary From the Book of 2 Corinthians:

Are You Confirming Scripture or Conforming It?

Depend on God in Your Weakness

How Are You Robbing God?

Scripture: Malachi 3: 6, 8-9

“I the Lord do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed. “Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me. “But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’ “In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse—your whole nation—because you are robbing me.

Scripture Commentary: Are you robbing God?

To be honest some of us are robbing God. You rob Him when you know that you could have done more or have given more financially or physically but held back.

You know when you are doing it and you usually will tell yourself that is the best you can do … and you know you are telling yourself a lie.

God gave you a life, home, job and the money you have in your pocket. Look at it this way: God is your Creator. He is your boss on the job. He knows everything about you. He knows how much you are paid and how many hours you work, and what you do when you’re off.

Tithing is not only financial but also what you do for others. Everything you have is from God so when you refuse to return to Him a portion of what He has given, you are robbing Him.

When God gets you out of bed in the morning, what part of the day will you serve Him? What part of the money He puts in your pocket will you give Him? God only asks for a tenth. That is all.

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

Malachi 3

Read Other Commentary From the Book of Malachi:

God Shall Prepare the Way Before Me

Honor the Father so That It May Go Well with You

The Devil Is the Craftiest of Creatures

Scripture: Genesis 3: 1-3

The serpent was the craftiest of all the creatures the Lord God had made. So the serpent came to the woman. “Really?” he asked. “None of the fruit in the garden? God says you mustn’t eat any of it?” “Of course we may eat it,” the woman told him. “It’s only the fruit from the tree at the center of the garden that we are not to eat. God says we mustn’t eat it or even touch it, or we will die.”

Scripture Commentary:

The devil is the craftiest of creatures. There are three instances in the Bible where Satan asked questions, having a conversation with someone. This is the first instance. The second is in Job 1: 7-11 and Job 2: 2-6. The third is Matthew 4: 3-10.

Webster’s Dictionary defines a conversation as “an informal exchange, a familiar talk.” What does the last part of the word ‘familiar’ spell? L-I-A-R. This describes Satan. The thing about him is that he will do or say anything to get you to follow him.

We see in Job that he had to get permission from God to attack Job. With Eve he lied to sway her. He was lost before he even started the conversation with Jesus.

He has nothing to offer. Only God, through His Son Jesus Christ, has the truth to offer. God is our Father. His love for us is forever and truthful.

Read the Entire Chapters of the Scriptures Referenced:

Genesis 3

Job 1

Job 2

Matthew 4

Read Other Commentary From the Book of Genesis:

Don’t Be Ruled By Your Lusts

The Temptation of ‘Must Not’

Consider the Limitless Nature of God

Scripture: Job 1: 9-11

Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.” “Does Job fear God for nothing?” Satan replied. 10 “Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. 11 But now stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face.”

Scripture Commentary:

Have you considered that Satan is not very intelligent? I say this because he knows God but he thinks he is better than his Creator. How stupid is that? He is accountable to God; God is not accountable to him.

All angelic beings, both good and evil, are compelled to present themselves before God to give an account of themselves. Before Satan made the proposal to God about Job, God knew what he had in mind. As with us, God knows what is in our hearts and minds. We can’t lie to ourselves so we shouldn’t think we can lie to God.

God is limitless.

Satan is not omnipresent and omniscient. He is only one being who needs his followers to do his work. Keep in mind that he has to get permission from God to do anything. Satan has limitations; God is limitless.

Each day God gives us a chance to repent and go to Him for help. His love for us is limitless as our love for Him should be.

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

Job 1

Read Other Commentary From the Book of Job:

Be Honest With God and Trust Him in Your Anguish

The Gain From Sin Lasts But A Moment

God Knows Our Thoughts

Scripture: Psalm 139: 1-2, 23-24

You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. 23  Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Scripture Commentary: Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.

We have a built in device that we use as a protection to keep people from penetrating our personal space. There is no device that will block God from knowing our thoughts because He created us. He knows what we think and what we do.

He knows everything from the time of our birth, the number of hairs on our head, and the date we will depart this earth.

God is with us through every situation.

He is with us in our trials and tribulations, and He protects us and guides us. God is omnipresent; we are never lost from His presence. This is good news to His followers because no matter what we do or where we go, God is always there.

When we ask God to search us as David did, we are really asking for help.

We aren’t aware of our true self but God. Ask God to change the wrongs in you; He will.

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

Psalm 139

Read Other Commentary From the Book of Psalms:

Blessed Is the One Who Trusts God

Take Shelter in the Lord for Every Storm

Resist the Devil

Scripture: James 4: 7-10

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

Scripture Commentary:

The earth holds the devil and we have to deal with him. God sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to protect us and guide us to His salvation. Humble yourself. Don’t become self-centered which leads you to think you deserve all you can see, touch or imagine. It creates greedy appetites for far more than you need.

Get released from your self-centered desires by humbling yourself before God. Realize that you need to follow Christ. When the Holy Spirit fills you, you will see that this world’s seductive attractions have nothing to offer.

God defeated the devil (Revelation 12: 10-12). When Jesus returns, the devil and all he stands for will be eliminated (Revelation 20: 10-15).

The devil’s days are limited and he is trying to do everything he can to possess as many souls as he can. Although we don’t deserve God’s favor, He reaches out to us in love and gives us worth and dignity despite our human shortcomings.

Live for God all your remaining days.

Read the Entire Chapter Of the Scriptures Referenced:

James 4

Revelation 12

Revelation 20

Read Other Commentary From the Book of James:

To Know the Gospel is Different From Living It

Tame Your Tongue – Watch What You Say

What Should I Do With You?

Scripture: Hosea 6: 4-7

The Lord says, “Israel, what should I do with you? Judah, what should I do with you? Your faithfulness is like a morning mist, like the dew that goes away early in the day. I have warned you by my prophets that I will kill you and destroy you. My justice comes out like bright light. I want faithful love more than I want animal sacrifices. I want people to know me more than I want burnt offerings.But they have broken the agreement as Adam did; they have been unfaithful to me.

Scripture Commentary:

Parents can relate to this passage. How many times have you shaken your head in exasperation and asked, “What should I do with you?” In this passage God repeatedly tells His children to turn from their sinful ways and return to Him.

As a parent you tell your children every week to clean their room and every week it’s the same battle. They know that it wouldn’t be such a job if they kept things neat all week long. Yet every week the same battle goes on.

This is the same experience God is having with Israel. It’s the same experience God is having with us today.

In Hosea 6: 4-6, God is saying that He’s told us many times to turn from our sinful ways and return to Him. God is expressing grief at His people’s foolish hard-headedness.

The people’s love was like the “morning mist” and the “early dew that disappears.” God’s people knew His expectations just as we do today. God desires our loyal love.

Is your obedience to God like the morning mist? Does your love fall short? How would you describe your devotion to God?

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

Hosea 6

Read Other Commentary from the Book of Hosea:

The Rebellious Will Stumble

Return to the Lord Your God

Humble Yourself In the Lord’s Presence

Scripture: James 4: 7-10

 So give yourselves completely to God. Stand against the devil, and the devil will run from you. Come near to God, and God will come near to you. You sinners, clean sin out of your lives. You who are trying to follow God and the world at the same time, make your thinking pure. Be sad, cry, and weep! Change your laughter into crying and your joy into sadness. 10 Humble yourself in the Lord’s presence, and he will honor you.

Scripture Commentary:

The earth holds Satan and we have to deal with him. God sent His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to protect us and guide us to His salvation. We are to be humble and not become self-centered which will lead us to think we deserve all we can see, touch and imagine. It creates greedy appetites for far more than we need.

Humble yourself in the Lord’s presence.

Realize that all we need to do is to follow Jesus Christ. When the Holy Spirit fills us, we see that this world’s seductive attractions have nothing to offer. God has defeated Satan (Revelation 12: 10-12), and when Jesus Christ returns, the devil and all he stands for will be eliminated (Revelation 20: 10-15).

Satan’s days are limited. He is trying to do everything he can to possess as many souls as he can. Although we do not deserve God’s favor, He reaches out to us in love and gives us worth and dignity despite our human shortcomings.

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scriptures Referenced:

James 4

Revelation 12

Revelation 20

Read Other Commentary From the Book of James:

The Tongue Can Defile the Whole Body

Can A Man Have Faith Without Works?