God’s Love Endures Forever

Scripture: Psalm 136: 1-4

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever. to him who alone does great wonders, His love endures forever.

Scripture Commentary: God’s love never changes.

There is one refrain throughout this psalm. In the KJV, it is, “for his mercy endureth for ever.” No matter what version of the Bible you read, the message is the same. God’s love, kindness, mercy, faithfulness and forgiveness never changes. However, we flip flop throughout our lives. If only we could be as constant in our lives.

Read the entirety of Psalm 136 and repeat the refrain over and over. Maybe, just maybe, we can be the person God created us to be. To be constant in what we say. To be someone who means what he/she says and to have people know that our word is bond.

God’s love is never ending.

Repeating the refrain is not an unnecessary or tiresome exercise. God shows His true love for us in this Psalm. God’s love is a never ending stream; it will never run out. This is why He sent His Son, Jesus Christ. Christ died for our sins, showing us how to love one another. Christ showed us how we should live our life and how we should treat others.

When you go to God for help, He does not turn you down. God answers prayer. His love endures forever because God endures forever. He is the alpha and omega of life itself.

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

Psalm 136

Read Other Commentary from the Book of Psalms:

Teach Me Lord, and Order My Steps In Your Word

Bless the Lord For the Gifts He Gives You

Ruin Overtakes the Wicked

Scripture: Jeremiah 36: 1

In the fourth year of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah, this word came to Jeremiah from the Lord: “Take a scroll and write on it all the words I have spoken to you concerning Israel, Judah and all the other nations from the time I began speaking to you in the reign of Josiah till now. Perhaps when the people of Judah hear about every disaster I plan to inflict on them, they will each turn from their wicked ways; then I will forgive their wickedness and their sin.”

Scripture Commentary: God wants us to turn from our wicked ways.

God gives Jeremiah a notice to read to the people of Judah informing them of every disaster He plans to inflict on them if they do not turn from their wicked ways. Also, God tells them if they stop their wickedness, He will forgive them their sins.

God’s message hasn’t changed. God still has this message for us today. Are we listening, turning from sin and repenting? Or are we like King Zedekiah and his officials who did not want to hear God’s Word?

God spoke to Jeremiah who dictated the message to Baruch, his scribe, who read it to the people. Jeremiah read it to the king.

If we don’t turn from our wicked ways, we face damnation for eternity.

God’s Word has not changed. What He said to Jeremiah is still relevant today. God wants us to turn from our wicked, sinful ways. He wants to forgive us. If we continue in a life of sin, we face damnation for eternity.

God has shown us love and patience for thousands of years. He even sent His Son to pay for our sins. Each of us only has a short time on earth; do not waste it.

Is your life influenced by what the world says or is it influenced by what God tells you?

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

Jeremiah 36

Read Other Commentary From the Book of Jeremiah:

God’s Justice Comes in God’s Time

Not All Prophets Are True

You Are No Longer Condemned. Jesus Freed You.

Scripture: Colossians 2: 13-15

13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you[d] alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, 14 having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. 15 And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.[e]

Scripture Commentary:

Before Christ we had no one to show us the way. We were condemned. God sent judges, prophets, and preachers to tell the people that they were wrong in what they were doing when sacrificing animals to atone for their sinful lives when their lifestyle did not change.

God then sent His Begotten Son Jesus Christ as the only unblemished sacrifice that would be accepted for our sins. He become our mediator to present our life before God. When Christ died on the cross, God declared us not guilty.

We do not have to live in sin.

That doesn’t mean we are perfect. We are not perfect but what is now different is that we can ask for forgiveness.

We have joined Christ in His death and resurrection.

The bondage of sin has no hold on us. Christ has freed us! And now we have an unbroken bond in the family of God that is eternal.

Our only judge and jury is Jesus Christ, and He paid our sin debt in full. God has forgotten our sins and we are clean.

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

Colossians 2

Read Other Commentary from the Book of Colossians:

A Violator Cannot Forgive His Own Trespasses

Be Strengthened In the Faith As You Were Taught

There Is No One Like God

Scripture: Job Chapter 1: 8,11,12

Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.” 11 But now stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face.” 12 The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, then, everything he has is in your power, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.” Then Satan went out from the presence of the Lord.

Scripture Commentary:

Job was a man of good character who loved God, his family, and prospered in business. As a Christian Job accepted the responsibility to care for his family, servants, and all that he possessed. Job was loved by his wife, ten children, servants, and friends. He worshiped God, giving sacrifices not only for himself but interceding for his ten adult children. There was none like him in all the earth.

Satan toke all that Job had away from him hoping that Job would surely curse God to his face; but Job did not curse God and God restored all that he lost.

Satan is always seeking to destroy the relationship that we have with God.

Satan looks to prove to God that our faith is not in God, the creator, but in the things that God can give us. He is jealous of God’s love for humanity and humanity’s faithfulness to God.

God told Satan all our earthly possessions are in his power to control but that Satan could not take our life. Satan and Job both knew that God is the creator of all things and that God has a plan for our lives. God gives us all that we have; and God takes them away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

God never abandons us in our situation. Look to your heavenly Father.

As it was with Job, God invites Satan to test and tempt us every day. When we are in Christ Jesus, we have the Holy Spirit who, like Christ Jesus, leads us into situations where our character is under attack by Satan. But God is faithful to his children, God will not abandon us in our situation no matter how dark it may appear to be.

We must learn to not focus on our lost possessions and family members but to look at our heavenly father. God is sovereign in all, over all and through all. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

Job 1

Read Other Commentary from the Book of Job:

Good and Evil Are Part of Life

How Should God Reward You?

Carry God’s Word Into Your Town

Scripture: Luke 10: 10-11

10 But when you enter a town and are not welcomed, go into its streets and say, 11 ‘Even the dust of your town we wipe from our feet as a warning to you. Yet be sure of this: The kingdom of God has come near.’

Scripture Commentary:

God’s Word is being spoken in our country, town and city borders. Are we listening or are we denying it access? In Luke 10, Jesus sent 72 of His followers in groups of 2 each into the towns that He planned to visit. They were to carry His message of repentance, love and forgiveness.

These messages are still being spoken today. Are our countries, towns and cities like Sodom and Gomorrah, so evil that God would destroy us or let us destroy ourselves with the lifestyle we have? Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed themselves. They did not hear of or see the Messiah.

On the other hand, we know the Messiah is Jesus Christ. We have the Word from God, The Bible. We know the way and how to get to God’s kingdom. Our judgment is our rejection of God and His son. We have no excuse!

Jesus told His followers that their names were written in heaven. With all they did in Christ’s name, this was the greatest accomplishment. One day God will ask, “What have you done in My Name?”

What have you accomplished for God? Keep in mind that God knows the answer before He even asks the question.

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

Luke 10

Read Other Commentary from the Book of Luke:

With Christ Your Deliverance Is at Hand

God’s Mercy Extends to Those Who Fear Him

Make A Joyful Noise to the Lord

Scripture: Psalm 100: 1-5

A psalm. For giving grateful praise.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

Scripture Commentary:

We are God’s children. Therefore, we need to make a joyful noise to the Lord!

Our earthly parents conceived us and raised us but without God, we would not be. Make a joyful noise! The Lord made each of us different; no two are the same. Even identical twins are not the same. Each of us has been given a unique gift that no one else has. This gift is to serve God for the purpose He made each of us for.

Are you still looking for your unique gift?

If you have given yourself to serve God, then you have found your gift. If you have not, then you are searching. When we enter into His courts, we celebrate our love for God and we see His joy as He looks on His creatures – us.

God’s love for us is truly everlasting.

God alone is worthy to be worshiped for there is nothing and no one above Him. He is the Creator, the one and only Father of us all. When you are lost, He will not stop looking for you until He has found you.

Give yourself fully to God for He has given Himself fully to you by giving His Son, Jesus Christ, for your sins.

Read Other Commentary From the Book of Psalms:

Keep Your Promise – Declare the Truth of God

Apply Your Heart to Wisdom

A Lifetime of Experience Should Not Be Handed Down

Put On the Full Armor of God

Scripture: Ephesians 6: 11-12

11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 

Scripture Commentary:

We must put on the full armor of God. Until God removes Satan, he and his followers in various places throughout this world, will create havoc. We should not be distracted from what God has for us. Satan’s world is full of glitter and gold, meant to misdirect us.

If for no other reason, the pharaohs of Egypt show us that all the possessions that they thought they would need in the afterlife are still here on earth. Likewise, your properties, money, and clothing will be left here for family and friends when you die. You can’t take it with you.

Satan gives those who place their worldly possessions above everything a false world. To withstand Satan’s attacks we must depend on God’s strength and use the full armor of God. We cannot battle Satan on our own. We need God to use the Holy Spirit He placed in us to defeat Satan.

Satan’s demons are not fantasies; they are real. We face a powerful army whose goal is to defeat Christ’s church. We are the church. Jesus told Peter, “And I tell you that you are Peter,[b] and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades[c] will not overcome it.” (Matthew 16:18)


Read the Entire Chapters of the Scriptures Referenced:

Ephesians 6

Matthew 16

Read Other Commentary from the Book of Ephesians:

Servant of Christ: Can Outsiders See Christ in You?

As Christians, We Are All One Body, One Spirit

All Who Believe Are Saved

Scripture: John 3: 16

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

Scripture Commentary: You get to choose what you believe

What a gift, what a promise, what a choice we have! God is saying you have a choice to believe in Jesus or not believe. You get to choose!

John 3: 16 is one of the most important verses in The Bible. The entire Bible comes to the choice presented in this verse. Because God loves us, He sent His Son to prepare a way for us so that we can be redeemed.

When you love dearly, you are willing to give freely to the point of self-sacrifice.

God paid the highest price with the life of His Son Jesus. Jesus accepted the punishment for our sins, offering each of us the chance of a new life with His Father in heaven. The eternal life Jesus has for us is not the life we are living here on earth. It is a life free from sin, sickness, death and chaos. This heavenly life is not an extension of what we are living here.

In the Old Testament, the priests sacrificed daily animals with no blemish for the sins of the people. God sent Jesus as the sacrifice for our sins. He was perfect, without blemish; the only one who could be sacrificed for the sins of the people.

We are to serve and put our love and trust in Jesus Christ. His promise of everlasting life in His Father’s kingdom is ours for eternity.

To reject Jesus is to spend eternity in hell. If you think you are living in hell now, this is nothing compared to what could be waiting for you.

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

John 3

Read Other Commentary from the Book of John:

How To Prepare For Your Destination

What Do You Believe About Jesus?

All Is Possible For Those Who Believe

Scriptures: Mark 9: 23 and John 14: 1

23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

 1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

Scripture Commentary: Believe in God

Do you believe that Jesus Christ is God’s Only Begotten Son, the Messiah? And do you have faith that Jesus Christ loves you? Faith and belief go together; one without the other doesn’t work.

In Mark 9, a father asks Jesus to heal his son. Jesus asks the father if he believes/has faith. The man replies, “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.” (Mark 9: 24) When Jesus says all things are possible if you believe, He doesn’t mean that we can automatically obtain anything we want if we just think positively. What we ask for or what we think we need may not be what God has planned for us.

Anything is possible with God.

Faith is a gift from God; believing is a trust we have in God. Faith is a growth process; it is a daily trust with God. Prayer is the doorway to God. This is how we communicate with Him.

The disciples often faced difficult situations that could be answered only in prayer. Prayer unlocks whatever barrier there is between us and God. As we humble ourselves before Him, we submit to His will.

There is no substitute for prayer, especially in circumstances that seem to be impossible.

Jesus’ words show that the way to eternal life, though unseen, is as secure as your trust in God, the Father. Do you truly believe? Do you trust and have faith in Jesus Christ?

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scriptures Referenced:

Mark 9

John 14

Read Other Commentary From the Book of Mark and John:

Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord

Believe on the Name of Jesus

I Have Prayed For You

Scripture: Luke 22: 31-32

31 “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”

Scripture Commentary:

Peter, a disciple, was always quick to speak out or take action because of his quick temper. Peter told Jesus he would never leave him and would follow Jesus to prison and even to the grave. Jesus prayed for Peter. Jesus told him that although Peter loved him, he would deny Jesus three times before the night was over.

Satan seeks to crush our spirit and sometimes use our words and actions to hurt us or those around us. Satan believes we are useless to God’s plan and wants to sift us like wheat, separating the good from the useless parts.

Jesus prays that our faith continues to grow stronger when we make mistakes. God has already forgiven you. Can you forgive yourself?

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

Luke 22

Read Other Commentary from the Book of Luke:

Jesus’s Heart Goes Out to Us: Don’t Cry

Will You Follow When Jesus Calls?