About The Gospel Mailman




The Gospel Mailman
             Deacon William Hardy 

The Gospel Mailman

The Gospel Mailman was created by William Hardy. It started informally in the early 90s. William knew a young man who always spoke with profanity. He sought out a friend of his who was a minister, and he took William to the verse Proverbs 15:4. William wrote the verse out on a piece of paper and gave it to the young man the next day, a Tuesday. Someone who witnessed the exchange asked William what he had given the young man, so he wrote out the verse again and gave it to that person too.


Everyday for four months William wrote out verses for people, the list to whom he gave grew over time. At about this time a deacon suggested he write out the verses and give an explanation. Because God’s word serves better if it is understood. Five months later, with the list still growing and William taking time everyday to interpret scriptures, he realized what God was doing through him. This realization happened in August of 1999.

William would hand out his scriptures to those he knew and sometimes to those he thought needed a message from God, and he would say, “Here’s something for you when you have a quiet moment.” The list grew beyond the circle in which he could deliver scriptures by hand, thus a mailing list began. The messages that started as verses on slips of paper turned into weekly letters. Over the years the mailing list continued to grow, including people as far as California and Canada. Eventually William would write out a month’s worth of letters, make the necessary amount of copies, and mail them at the beginning of the month.

A new beginning

Many people have requested that William publish a book, but that’s not where he felt the Lord was leading him. One morning the Lord told William to come into the modern era.This is why the Gospel Mailman blog was created, with the help of his daughter and granddaughter.

So, here is something for you to read when you have a quiet moment.