Jesus Lights the Path to God

Scripture: Psalm 119: 105

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.

Scripture Commentary: The Bible lights the path of life.

As we walk on this path called life, some travel in darkness because they do not know about the true light of Jesus Christ. The earthly world has them in its grip. They go about life with no purpose. They either have no knowledge of Christ, have not accepted him as their Lord and Savior or have outright rejected him.

There are two paths in life we can choose to take.

To walk safely in the dark, we need light so we don’t stumble and fall. In the dark we may lose our way.

God’s Word (The Bible) is the light to show us the way ahead so we don’t stumble as we move through life. It reveals the entangling roots of false values and philosophies. John 8:12 says, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.”

Jesus brings God’s presence, protection and guidance to our lives. Step out of the darkness and into God’s marvelous light.

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scriptures Referenced:

Psalm 119

John 8

Read Other Commentary from the Book of Psalms:

You Are My God; Earnestly I Seek You

The Chaff Blows Away, the Grain Bears Fruit

Peter Denied Jesus … “I don’t even know the man.”

Scripture: Matthew 26: 70-73

70 But Peter denied it in front of everyone. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said. 71 Later, out by the gate, another servant girl noticed him and said to those standing around, “This man was with Jesus of Nazareth.[k]72 Again Peter denied it, this time with an oath. “I don’t even know the man,” he said. 73 A little later some of the other bystanders came over to Peter and said, “You must be one of them; we can tell by your Galilean accent.”

Scripture Commentary:

Peter’s speech betrayed him. Was it his accent as some of the bystanders said? Or was it that he denied Jesus … “I don’t even know the man.”

As a child of God you no longer talk like the people of this world. You have changed from the worldly to the Godly.

First, Peter tried to divert attention from himself. Second, he used an oath to deny Jesus. Third, he swore in his denial of Christ. We do this when we walk, talk or live an unchristian-like lifestyle.

When you’re given an opportunity to discuss Jesus Christ, don’t walk away or act like Jesus isn’t in your life. If you find yourself not wanting to talk about Christ, then like Peter, you are denying Christ.

Be careful. Satan is waiting to recruit the faith of non-believers who question the Son of God.

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scripture Referenced:

Matthew 26

Read Other Commentary from the Book of Matthew:

The Wise Take Time to Prepare

Jesus, Remember Me

Jesus Wept

Scripture: John 11: 35

35 Then Jesus wept.

Scripture Commentary:

These two words, “Jesus wept,” are profound. We are reading about the human part of Jesus Christ. He showed empathy by grieving for someone who was loved.

In Luke 19: 41, we read, “Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it,” seeing the pain and sin in the people. His love was so great that he could only weep for the lost.

As Jesus looks down on us today the tears are probably rolling down his cheeks.

Jesus Christ shows that he cares enough for the people of Jerusalem to weep over them, and his weeping carries over to today.

The people of yesterday rejected God’s salvation in Jesus Christ when He offered it to them. The same offer is on the table today. God’s grace, mercy and salvation are offered to everyone on the planet. Why do we not accept it?

Satan offers silver and gold, and the so-called good life. This is an offer of complete damnation into an eternal life of hell.

Jesus wasn’t afraid to reveal his true feelings for Jerusalem and Lazarus.

In his human form, Jesus experienced the loss of a friend. His friendship is extended to each of us today.

Be honest with God; do not hide anything from Him. When Jesus saw the people weeping for Lazarus, he wept. Likewise, Jesus weeps for us today because his love for us has not changed.

Read the Entire Chapter of the Scriptures Referenced:

John 11

Luke 19

Read Other Commentary from the Book of John:

Jesus, the Light of the World

Jesus Sent Us the Bread of Life